Korean Snack Review!

Thursday, May 05, 2016

Hey everyone so today I went to Nam Dae Mun Farmers Market. I've been wanting to go for a while now and finally got the chance to go. As always i only picked a small amount of items once again. When I go back, I will get more because there are a few items I want to try!

。.:*・°☆.。。Lotte Moncher Cacao Cake。.:*・°☆.。。
 These little cakes were really good. At first glace, I thought it would be packed with a super over the top chocolate taste which i'm not much of a fan of. The first bite was like heaven. It was light and fluffy and just the right amount of chocolate. It taste just like those chocolate cakes you can get at the store but without the extra sugar. Overall I can see myself getting these again!

。.:*・°☆.。。Lotte Kancho Cookies。.:*・°☆.。。
      So I may or may not have been drown to get this because of the cute boxing. Okay i'm guilty but I cant help it I love cute things! These little cookies reminded me of the Hello Panda cookies except for these had more of a crunch to them. At the store they only had them in chocolate but I cant complain they were still good.

(Even the packaging was cute!)

。.:*・°☆.。。Wang Big Candy(What It Says On The Receipt)。.:*・°☆.。。
I have been searching near and far for the proper name to this candy but cant seem to find it. If someone knoes can you please let me know so i can correct it! I was unsure if i should get these candies because the appearance threw me off. The bag said they were tropical so I figured why not wont know what it tastes like till i tried. Once I did I was glad I picked them up. They were covered in a hard sugar coating and the one i had was lemon. It took a while to get use to the texture of the candy. I had to keep reminding myself that its candy and not a weird object lol. Overall it's a nice candy I need to eat a couple more to see if I would buy these again.

Please excuse my nails I seriously need to redo them DX

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